Friday, February 20, 2009

Boring? What to do to deal with?

In the last two weeks, some of friends told me about boring. They also asked me wheather I get bored before and what to do to deal with. Emmm…

Actually, what is boring? Boring is defined as lacking in interest, excitement, enthusiasm, or liveliness. In addition, boring also can be defined as loosing passion of things. Boring itself is something that happened naturally in our life since there’re too much uniformity, repetition, and unvarying in life.

Knowing that everybody has his/her time to get boring, let us share how to overcome the situation according to our own experiences. For me, there’re some activities that I’m used to doing to get the life passion back:

  1. Listening to Music. Listening to music that you like or love is a kind of healing method for boring. For me, light jazz is a kind of music that makes me refresh. But, if you do with the “wrong” one, music that you dislike, it can be turn to the opposite way. So, be sure for the the type of music. For someone who felt broken heart, melancholic music is better to be avoided.
  2. Listening to Radio. I like to listen to radio instead of waching TV. I don’t know why, but I think there are 4 reasons behind: 1) Radio is more interactive rather than TV; 2) Music that we listen from radio seems livelier than the music from CD’ or MP3 do; 3) Many radio’s announcers are fun, funny, even some have a little bit craziness… hihihi…. And the rest is that we can do multitasking while we listen to the radio.
  3. Reading. So, why reading? Some persons think that reading is such a boring activity and they don’t get any “fun” of it. For me, reading is a kind of fun and educated activity for dealing with boring. Knowing about new things, learning about somethings, and developing creativity and imagination about something are fun while there’re also good for our brain.
  4. Watching movies. Like reading material, movie is a kind of refresher way that provide amusing or interesting art to be enjoyed and learnt.
  5. Sleeping. Since I knew that our brain work better when sleeping than watching TV, I choose to take sleep more. :-D
  6. Walking or Jogging to Punclut. While we’re sweating, by having activities in such an open air, we can be much refresher because the fresh air touchs our skin directly.
  7. Hanging Out with Friends. Hanging out with friends can be one of cure for boring. Having fun and laughing together are good for health.
  8. Sightseeing Around the City. When you get bored, you can go sightseeng around the city. Don’t forget to put your attention to everyone you meet, including the begger or other poor people. Think deeply, how lucky your life compared to them!
  9. Praying. Don’t hasitate to come up to God for the cure of your boring.

For everybody has his/her own way in overcoming boring, there’s no “right or wrong”. There’s only about whether it’s suit or not to be applied on our own. For instance, a friend of mine told me that he used to go to “dugem” when he got boring. For me, it wouldn’t work. Otherwise, it would make “my boring” worse. Secara kita ini anak kampungan yang gak biasa dengan Dunia Gemerlap gituuuhhh!!! Hehehe… (Sorry wid!!! :-D). But, it’s no problem, because everyone has their own way to deal with boring.


Anonymous said...

How about eating ? I eat everytime I get bored :))

Kris Tasrin said...

@ nengwuri,
emmm... you're right wuri. Especially eat to a "special thing", not regular menu. I think I should add it to the list... :-p